APAH’s Marbella Redevelopment to Begin Public Process
Arlington County – APAH’s hometown – has a long history of robust community conversation and engagement. One tool to facilitate those discussions is the Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC). When project site plans propose more density on a site than would have otherwise been permitted by current zoning, they undergo a review process, facilitated by SPRC.

project. Credit: KGD Architecture.
The SPRC is the County’s way of supporting the public’s role in guiding successful growth and development, as well as creating a platform for conversation around a specific project. Over the course of several meetings, developers, County planners, community groups and citizens come together to discuss the proposed site plan, as it relates to land use, policy, design, architecture, transportation, open space, construction, and/or site improvements. In response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, SPRC piloted a new virtual site plan review process, allowing for the review and exchange of ideas in a safe online environment.
APAH has an unparalleled track record of creatively leveraging the potential of land to meet our community’s goals for creating more affordable housing. Across the region, we are committed to working in partnership with neighbors, elected officials, and other stakeholders to shape new community visions and unlock potential through the embrace of density. Over the last 10 years, APAH has successfully secured changes to land use plans and zoning that have enabled the construction of 1,300 affordable homes that would not have otherwise been possible. Many of these apartments have worked their way through the SPRC process in Arlington.
This fall, if our 4.1 application is accepted by County staff, APAH will begin participating in the virtual SPRC process for the redevelopment of APAH’s Marbella Apartments. Located in Ft Meyers Heights, the property currently consists of 134 affordable units across 13 garden style apartments. APAH will 6 of the buildings with new appliances, mechanical systems, free resident WiFi, as well as other improvements. The remaining buildings are proposed to be redeveloped into 2 new affordable buildings, that will provide an estimated 561 new affordable homes– or 489 net new homes– in North Arlington. The SPRC process will be a critical guide in getting community feedback on the massing, design, open space, and other project elements.