A Summertime Reunion
In anticipation of the 2021-2022 school year, this summer APAH’s Resident Services Team has worked hard to support our youth as they prepare for the academic year. Initiatives including our Ready to Learn program and Welcome Home! block parties for residents have been held safely at APAH properties and provide exciting ways for APAH to resume in person interaction with residents, which had been paused due to the pandemic.

August 2021.
Registration for Ready to Learn began in July. Thanks to the generosity of our community, the program provides APAH children from grades K-12 with a $50 gift card to support families with back-to-school shopping. In the past APAH distributed backpacks and school supplies to families. But, with a changing academic structure that includes both virtual and in person school, family needs have evolved. APAH pivoted to gift cards again this year to provide households with the freedom to buy the school supplies that meet their specific and unique situations. This year, 732 APAH children were registered for Ready to Learn! Gift card distribution days were held across APAH properties throughout August so that families could pick up their gift cards at the APAH properties they call home.

ordering their dinner
from a partnered food truck.
On Wednesday evenings throughout August and September, APAH’s Resident Services Team is also hosting family-oriented block parties at our communities. So far, block parties have been held at Arlington Mill, the Springs and Gilliam Place. Highlights include a DJ, dinner catered by area food trucks, a balloon artist making creative designs for residents of all ages, and popcorn and snow cone machines. There are engagement opportunities everyone – adult residents can register to vote and youth can sign up for APAH’s Girls on the Run team. All these activities serve as a reminder to residents that our Resident Services Team is present and excited to support them with a wide variety of resources.

Amaya, Resident Services Manager, Venus
Burgess, and President and CEO, Carmen Romero
at APAH’s Arlington Mill during a resident
block party, August 2021.
The block parties have been a major hit with residents and APAH employees and volunteers are glad to be able to back, interacting with APAH residents they have not seen for a long time, due to the absence of in person programming. Ultimately these programs are an exciting way for the APAH community to come together and enjoy each other’s company, safely.