About APAH

Committed to creating an inclusive, caring, and economically diverse community in which each person is important.

Founded in 1989, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) is a nonprofit affordable housing developer. We are deeply committed to Arlington and, after 30 years, have expanded our impact to our neighboring communities across the D.C. metro region. We focus on both places and people.


We believe safe, affordable housing provides an essential platform for hard-working, low-income families and individuals to achieve stability, pursue their personal goals and enhance their quality of life.

Each decision we make is guided by our five-year strategic plan, which covers 2023 – 2027.

We live each day by our values:

APAH achieves excellence through competence, drive and resourcefulness, and through advocacy and sharing our expertise.

APAH embraces honesty, transparency and trust.

APAH demonstrates partnership, teamwork and wise stewardship of public resources.

APAH exhibits smart and capable leadership, vision, creativity and courage.

APAH brings commitment, caring, and purpose to all that we do.

APAH is committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of our residents and within our community.

Racial Equity
APAH acknowledges the specific impact that structural racism has had on the housing industry and strives to approach our work with an anti-racist lens. Our Board adopted an Equity Statement in June, 2021.


Want to stay up-to-date with what’s going on with APAH? Sign Up for our e-News here.


In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Submit a complaint of discrimination, by mail to U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity , 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220, (202) 622-1160 (phone), (202) 622-0367 (fax), or email crcomplaints@treasury.gov (email).