Girl Scouts at The Springs


The Springs Apartments is excited to be home for a new a Brownie Girl Scout troop, #60083. There are seven girls in the troop, all of whom live at The Springs. The troop began in fall of 2017 and meets once monthly for 90 minutes, lead by members of Cadette troop (8th graders) #5656.

After a 2016 partnership between the Cadette troop and APAH for a “Holiday Shop” on Columbia Pike, the Cadettes expressed interest in further partnering with APAH and leading a Brownie troop. Now that it’s formed, the Cadettes lead the meetings with the assistance of troop leader (and adult!) Laura Kenney. The Cadettes lead actives like crafts and building leaderships skills. They also discuss the importance of being an active member in your community. As a Cadette, each of these 8th grade girls gain confidence as they mentor younger troop #60083 and earn their Leadership in Action award.

Each meeting focuses on on different Girl Scout traditions and values on the journey to acquiring badges. At their March meeting, the Brownies were aiming for their First Aid badge. Activities included learning how to dial 911, plan for emergencies, and understand a first aid kit. The girls were also excited to receive a visit from the crew of the Station 2 firehouse, to learn about fire and EMS safety.