Bystander Intervention Workshop

Assertive Reactions to Street Harassment

Immigrants, women, and minority groups around the nation and right here in Arlington County are experiencing increased bias-based bullying and harassment in social media and on the street. How do we respond safely and effectively if we are the one being harassed? How do we provide effective support if we are witness to acts of harassment? Often people stay silent when they witness harassment, as they are frightened of intervening. For those who are targeted by hate, the silence of witnesses is often experienced as complicity.

Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) and WOFA, Women of Action, a growing group of citizen activists in Arlington County and beyond, invite you to participate in a Bystander Intervention Workshop to build skills to respond to harassment and support everyone in our diverse community. The workshop will be led by CASS, Collective Action for Safe Spaces. CASS is a grassroots organization that began its work with a focus on empowering people in the DC metropolitan area to build a community free from public sexual harassment and assault and has expanded its work to respond to growing incidents of harassment of immigrants and minority groups.


When: Sunday, February 26th from 1 – 3 pm

Where: Community Room of The Springs Apartments, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH), 555 Thomas Street in Arlington

Who: You! And anyone else who wants to strengthen their skills to standup! Please feel free to forward this information anyone who might like to join us. While space is limited, if we have a strong response, we will schedule additional sessions.

To Register: Space is limited to 25 participants for each session and advanced registration is required. There is a $10 fee to cover the cost of the training.

Transportation: By car: Parking is available for $1 at Ballston Common Mall, just a block and a half away from The Springs; limited parking is also available on neighborhood streets. By metro: The Springs is located just a few blocks from Ballston Metro.